Page name: minds eye special [Logged in view] [RSS]
2007-07-20 01:37:53
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this edition is for pictures from my friends






The next one i stole from aki XD




I adore this pic!!


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2007-06-24 [Kailynn]: COW!!

2007-06-25 [shadow frost wolf]: CHICKEN!!

2007-06-25 [Kailynn]: MEW!!!

2007-06-26 [shadow frost wolf]: BARK!!!

2007-06-26 [Kailynn]: APPLE!!

2007-06-27 [~Spirit Fox~]: apple tree!
Cow & Chicken
Cats V.S. Dogs
look at that!

2007-06-27 [Kailynn]: OO

2007-06-29 [shadow frost wolf]: you pay too much attention to this XD

2007-06-29 [Kailynn]: MEW!!!!!

2007-06-29 [shadow frost wolf]: LICK!!

2007-06-29 [Kailynn]: OO

2007-06-29 [shadow frost wolf]: VOLT TACKLE!

2007-06-29 [Kailynn]: mewwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

2007-07-01 [shadow frost wolf]: pikachu lets go! thunder bolt!!

2007-07-01 [Aki Neko]: Hey! You took me!XDD

2007-07-01 [shadow frost wolf]: i did? XD

2007-07-01 [Aki Neko]: My rp character.^_^

2007-07-01 [shadow frost wolf]: your a pikachu?

2007-07-02 [Aki Neko]: No!<img200*0:>this one!

2007-07-02 [shadow frost wolf]: oh yeah, yes i did ^_^

2007-07-02 [Kailynn]: RAWR!!!..OO...

2007-07-02 [shadow frost wolf]: *heart stops*

2007-07-02 [Aki Neko]: ??

2007-07-02 [Kailynn]: *pokes Caita-chan.* Mew?..I wasnt' trying to scare you that much...TT.TT

2007-07-02 [Aki Neko]: *Huggles Caita-Nii*

2007-07-02 [shadow frost wolf]: *jumps* im up!! but wheres all the rum?!

2007-07-03 [Aki Neko]: OMG! HES A PIRATE!!XDDDD

2007-07-05 [shadow frost wolf]: savvy?

2007-07-05 [Aki Neko]: Savvy?? Wuzat?

2007-07-06 [shadow frost wolf]: it means "do you understand?"

2007-07-06 [Aki Neko]: Oh. Yeah.^_^

2007-07-06 [shadow frost wolf]: im gonna be king of the pirates!

2007-07-06 [Aki Neko]: XD Good luck!

2007-07-06 [shadow frost wolf]: and hokage!

2007-07-06 [Kailynn]: *starts laughing.* OO...Sorry..I had a giggle...XD

2007-07-06 [Aki Neko]: XD Laughing attack!

2007-07-06 [Kailynn]: the Hokage thing made me laugh....^^

2007-07-06 [Aki Neko]: XD He has high hopes. Thats good.

2007-07-06 [Kailynn]: Yes...No doubt about it...It just makes me laugh....It's a funny word...^^

2007-07-06 [Aki Neko]: Hokage.

2007-07-06 [Kailynn]: XD....It makes me giggle!!..^^....OO...Kinda like the whole Sasuke's face thing...

2007-07-06 [Aki Neko]: ???

2007-07-06 [Kailynn]: OO....One of my friends and I were arguing in Biology one day..she said something...that wasn't nice...and so I replyed "You're face."...and she got mad..and then another friend was like "Sauske's face." and I busted out laughing.....and so just about every time some one says it I start laughing...^^...It's amusing...

2007-07-06 [Aki Neko]: XD Ill say your face to paul, the yell out Kagomes face after!XD That should get me killed.

2007-07-06 [Kailynn]: I don't like Kagome...Not at all...

2007-07-06 [Aki Neko]: If he heard you say that, hed call you some nasty things and try to kill you. Be careful what you say after this comment.

2007-07-06 [Kailynn]: XD.....I'm not to sure if htat would be possible...but Okay....I'll juist keep the comments to myself...

2007-07-06 [Aki Neko]: Yeah, anything said bad about him, and I get a little crazy...

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: ok ^^'

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: XD I havent known anyone longer thatn Iv known him, exept my mom, step dad, grandma and grandpa!!XD

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: well thats natural ^^

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: XD Not really, my real dad I met about...4 years after.^_^

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: well then he doesnt know what he's missing!!

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: XD And, sadly, he's in jail at the moment.

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: well if he was a better man he'd be able to spend time with his wonderful daughter...

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: *Blush* ^-^ He got a dui, and hopfully has been dried.

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: tried?

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: No, dried. From his drinking.

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: ooooh ok. i hope so too but that rarely happens

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: DONT SAY THAT! Next year I'll be living with him and my mom only in a new area!

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: OO....well then i really hope he dries out!

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: Yeah!

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: is your mom good?

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: Yeah, she smokes, but otherwise longs she takes her pills in the mourning..

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: well at least your mom isnt insane XD

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: Eh........XDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: mine is crazy XD

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: I never said mine wasnt!

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: mine tried to kill my dad 3 times in a year ^^

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: Oo Ok, maby not that crazy...

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: my whole fam used to be terrified of her, pansies XD

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: Oo

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: in shi oni, you need to talk to sesshy, they dont know me ^^;

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: You talk to him too. Im paralyzed.

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: what happened to you? XD

2007-07-07 [Aki Neko]: SPIDERS!

2007-07-07 [shadow frost wolf]: what about them?

2007-07-08 [Aki Neko]: Dont play dumb please.

2007-07-08 [shadow frost wolf]: i didnt make them bite you XD

2007-07-09 [Aki Neko]: Well....

HEY! You took another one!!!

2007-07-09 [shadow frost wolf]: yep ^_^

2007-07-09 [Aki Neko]: XD Just dont say YOU made em....

2007-07-09 [shadow frost wolf]: i didnt, at the top of the page it says "from my friends" ^^

2007-07-09 [Aki Neko]: I know, but I'm a little touchy about my art.^_^

2007-07-09 [shadow frost wolf]: this page is dedicated to the art i really like

2007-07-09 [Aki Neko]: XD Ok.

2007-07-09 [shadow frost wolf]: my other pages have stuff i took from photobucket

2007-07-10 [Aki Neko]: XDD

2007-07-10 [shadow frost wolf]: =^_^=

2007-07-10 [Aki Neko]: *Glomps*

2007-07-10 [shadow frost wolf]: *picks you up and swings you around like a little kid*

2007-07-10 [Aki Neko]: O0 XD @_@

2007-07-10 [shadow frost wolf]: wheeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!

2007-07-10 [Aki Neko]: ^ ^''

2007-07-10 [shadow frost wolf]: XD

2007-07-10 [Aki Neko]: *Turns 4*

2007-07-10 [shadow frost wolf]: what? XDD

2007-07-10 [Aki Neko]: Daddy? O-O?

2007-07-10 [shadow frost wolf]: whats turning four?

2007-07-10 [Aki Neko]: *Ish small kid* Daddy??0-0?

2007-07-11 [shadow frost wolf]: i am?! OO

2007-07-11 [Aki Neko]: You are!? YAY!♥*Glomp*

2007-07-11 [shadow frost wolf]: *glomps back* (daughter/ unexpected XD)

2007-07-11 [Aki Neko]: (Hey! Im just practicing to get Kuro back!XD)

2007-07-11 [shadow frost wolf]: so HE's your father/sibling!!

2007-07-11 [Aki Neko]: Uncle!

2007-07-11 [shadow frost wolf]: uncle/brother?

2007-07-11 [Aki Neko]: You!

2007-07-11 [shadow frost wolf]: so wait, im the uncle/brother or the daddy/brother?

2007-07-11 [Aki Neko]: *Sigh* Your uncle/brother.

2007-07-11 [shadow frost wolf]: T.T i wanna be a daddy!

2007-07-11 [Aki Neko]: Sorry, Kuros daddy. Your brother then! Just as good!

2007-07-11 [shadow frost wolf]: TTT.TTT

2007-07-11 [Aki Neko]: *Huggles him* I love my big brother!!!!

2007-07-12 [~Spirit Fox~]: oro? wait Kuro's your father now? And CAITA! MUSHI"S YOUR DAUGHTER!!!!! dead beat dad! *growl!*

2007-07-12 [shadow frost wolf]: i havent forgot!

2007-07-12 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-07-12 [shadow frost wolf]: i didnt!

2007-07-12 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-07-12 [shadow frost wolf]: POP!

2007-07-12 [Aki Neko]: ??

2007-07-12 [shadow frost wolf]: ????????????

2007-07-12 [Aki Neko]: Oooooooook...^ ^'

2007-07-13 [shadow frost wolf]: doodle bug!

2007-07-13 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-07-13 [shadow frost wolf]: its a digimon strategy!! XD

2007-07-13 [Aki Neko]: Ok....

2007-07-13 [Kailynn]: *ish confuzzeled with that one.* what do doodle bugs and digimon have to do with each other....OO..

2007-07-13 [Aki Neko]: I have no idea.

2007-07-13 [Kailynn]: I know....OO...

2007-07-13 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-07-13 [Kailynn]: *random glomps.* ^^

2007-07-13 [Aki Neko]: *Falls over*

2007-07-13 [Kailynn]: OO

2007-07-13 [Aki Neko]: XD

2007-07-13 [Kailynn]: *goes to sleep.*

2007-07-13 [Aki Neko]: XDDDDDDDDDD

2007-07-14 [shadow frost wolf]: *laying on Rika-chan's tummy*

2007-07-14 [Aki Neko]: XDD

2007-07-15 [Kailynn]: OO....Mew?

2007-07-15 [shadow frost wolf]: XDD

2007-07-15 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-07-15 [shadow frost wolf]: Spiders!!!!

2007-07-16 [Aki Neko]: I GONNA KEEL 'EM!

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: OO

2007-07-16 [shadow frost wolf]: they arent scary, i used to let them crawl on me ^^

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: I never said that they were scary..I like them...OO..well..not the ones that like to bite and kill people...I don't care for those...but the others ones I can pick up and keep my little brother away from me with..^^

2007-07-16 [Aki Neko]: YOU CRAZY PERSON!!I freak seeing them!!I found a black widow on my bike, right after I rode it!!>.<

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: XD..My friend has a phoba of spiders and snakes...^^..I think that it's funny..I like them...well..execpt for the posionous ones...Those aren't my friends...

2007-07-16 [shadow frost wolf]: cool

2007-07-16 [Aki Neko]: .......

2007-07-16 [shadow frost wolf]: *pets aki on the back* its ok, i wont let the bad spiders hurt you, thats what brothers are for ^^

2007-07-16 [Aki Neko]: Yeah, but Im still scared of that damn black widow, IT WAS A GIRL ONE!!*Only female black widows are pisonous.*

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: ^^ The girls are big, too..the boys are very small...compared to the girls...^^..and the girls have the red hour glass looking thing..^^..

2007-07-16 [Aki Neko]: .< Dont remind me!!Gyah!!O.O

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: OO..I"m sorry!!

2007-07-16 [Aki Neko]: Its ok...^ ^' Stupid aracnaphobia!

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: *huggles.* ^^...ONe of my friends has it really badly....but she's afraid of snakes really badly, too...

2007-07-16 [Aki Neko]: Anything with more than 5 legs and anything wiht none, huh?

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: Yuppers....Pretty much...^^ I think that it's funny....but she tires to kill me (literally) with her trumpet when that happens...

2007-07-16 [Aki Neko]: Oo Oh god....

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: OO..but..I guess that I'm used to it..concidering that I haven't stopped teasing her..^^

2007-07-16 [Aki Neko]: Wow....Brave girl!!!XDDDD

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: OO...Not really...I just like to tease her...^^..She deserves it...She pushes me into doors and walls and then goes around telling everyone that I run into things...and then everyone else puches me into stuff and says the same thine...

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: OO...Not really...I just like to tease her...^^..She deserves it...She pushes me into doors and walls and then goes around telling everyone that I run into things...and then everyone else puches me into stuff and says the same thing...

2007-07-16 [Aki Neko]: XDD Ok.

2007-07-16 [Kailynn]: OO..It hurts a lot..TT.TT

2007-07-16 [Aki Neko]: Awwww*Huggles*

2007-07-17 [Kailynn]: *huggles back.* But it's okay...I get used to it!

2007-07-17 [Aki Neko]: ^_^

2007-07-17 [Kailynn]: ^^

2007-07-17 [Kailynn]: OO....Mew!!!

2007-07-17 [Aki Neko]: XDDD

2007-07-18 [shadow frost wolf]: Rika-chan's made of steel XDD

2007-07-18 [Aki Neko]: XDD

2007-07-18 [Kailynn]: OO..Why do you say that?..OO...

2007-07-18 [Aki Neko]: ._.?

2007-07-18 [~Spirit Fox~]: Knocks on Rika's arm

2007-07-18 [shadow frost wolf]: because your indestructable! ^^

2007-07-18 [Aki Neko]: XDD YAY!

2007-07-19 [Kailynn]: OO...*ish so confuzzeled right now.* @.@

2007-07-19 [Aki Neko]: XDDDDD

2007-07-19 [Kailynn]: TT.TT

2007-07-19 [Aki Neko]: *Huggle* Its alright.

2007-07-19 [Kailynn]: *huggles back.* ^^ Thankies!! ^^

2007-07-19 [Aki Neko]: Welcome

2007-07-19 [Kailynn]: ^^

2007-07-19 [Aki Neko]: So, whats up?

2007-07-19 [Kailynn]: Nothing...Band camp will be starting next week so I won't be on a whole lot after Sunday evening...

2007-07-19 [Aki Neko]: AWwwwwwwwwww....ok.

2007-07-19 [shadow frost wolf]: The sadness is over whelming =_=

2007-07-19 [Aki Neko]: *Cries*

2007-07-19 [shadow frost wolf]: the drawing Rika-chan drew me gave me luck on a test!!

2007-07-20 [Aki Neko]: Cool!

2007-07-20 [shadow frost wolf]: i almost aced it!

2007-07-20 [Aki Neko]: Wow.

2007-07-20 [shadow frost wolf]: 48/50 ^^ yaaay!

2007-07-20 [Aki Neko]: Nice job Caita.

2007-07-20 [shadow frost wolf]: im so proud, it had to be luck cause i didnt read some questions XD

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